The W̱SÁNEĆ College (formerly SAEC: Saanich Adult Education Centre) is here to serve the Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum, and Pauquachin communities as well as many others. We are part of the W̱SÁNEĆ School Board and we offer numerous courses and programs to serve the local community including early literacy programs, adult upgrading, post secondary programming, onsite childcare services and a hot lunch program.
W̱SÁNEĆ College (formerly SAEC: Saanich Adult Education Centre) is home to a variety of programs that serve to meet the needs of the individual learner – ages 15 and upward. The main focus is Adult Graduation (Adult Dogwood), in addition to the provision of programming that supports post secondary pre-requisite coursework, early literacy, onsite post secondary programs and SENĆOŦEN language classes.

We have a caring and supportive staff that want you to succeed! We want to help you in reaching your goals. We offer our students a variety of services beyond their education, which can include:
Our mission is to enhance educational opportunities for Saanich Nation adults living on and off reserve and in neighbouring communities by offering courses and programs that are community based and driven and which link to the Saanich Nation’s longer range community development plans: to advance development, self-sufficiency and self-reliance.
The aim of the staff and administration is to make every attempt to offer programs and services that reflect Saanich Nation traditions and values, and that are based on respect and an understanding of each person’s uniqueness and potential, always taking into account that the learner is an adult with a vast array of experiences and equal expertise to offer. It is our desire to include the SENĆOŦEN language and Elders in our program delivery, whenever possible.
In short, our mission is to provide accessible, holistic programs preparing adult learners for higher education and vocational training, thus bridging them into other educational organizations and programs of their choice.
We believe:
- That SENĆOŦEN language must be maintained, perpetuated, and protected.
- That teachings about W̱SÁNEĆ culture must be honoured and woven as appropriate into learning experiences.
- That the people of the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation, working with the W̱SÁNEĆ School Board, are leaders in the education of W̱SÁNEĆ learners, whether in the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation schools or elsewhere.
- That our children must be given every opportunity to attain the academic skills and the spiritual and cultural values that will allow them to live successfully as proud Indigenous people in their homelands and in a multi-cultural society.
- That the Non-Indigenous society should be given opportunities within reciprocal relationships to learn about the W̱SÁNEĆ history, culture and language.
- That students should be provided with a broad holistic education that includes academic, social-emotional, spiritual, physical, arts and cultural learning.
- That learners have both rights and responsibilities within the education program. These include:
- The right to access a SENĆOŦEN Immersion learning environment.
- The right to an equal, high quality, culturally relevant and responsive education.
- The responsibility to attend school and work to the best of their ability.
- That a learning environment must be provided for W̱SÁNEĆ W̱ILNEW̱ that is safe, inclusive, welcoming, responsive, and suitable for learning.
- That professional growth is a priority for all staff within a collaborative learning community.
- That supports for overall well-being, in the areas of mental health and social emotional strength, are priorities for all learners.
Fill out our Intent to Register Form online to begin the registration process today! If you have any questions, please call or email Diana Henry at (250) 652-2214 ext. 237 or
The vision and mandate of the WSB is to assist all Saanich Adult students who are qualified to undertake academic training in order to achieve their educational goals. As a result, this would increase employability and graduates would contribute and use their skills and knowledge for the betterment of the Saanich People as a whole
The W̱SÁNEĆ School Board Post Secondary Department’s primary duty is to assist Tsawout, Tsartlip and Tseycum students applying to post secondary institutions, as well as, fund/sponsor their education.
There are various post secondary programs at Camosun College, University of Victoria (UVIC), Vancouver Island University (VIU), University of British Columbia (UBC), etc. There are hundreds of programs available, so I encourage you to come in if you would like to learn more about a specific program, or learn about available programs in general. In order for a program to be eligible for funding it must require completion of English 12, as well as a minimum of 8 months in length. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Post Secondary please do not hesitate to contact me at (250) 652-2214 ext. 7144 or by email at

W̱SÁNEĆ College (formerly SAEC: Saanich Adult Education Centre) provides onsite post-secondary programs through partnership with Camosun College and University of Victoria.
Acquire the academic skills, knowledge and credentials to move towards higher education and/or a career in the field of human services. This certificate program prepares you to earn the admission requirements you’ll need to pursue college or university-level studies. Taught at the W̱SÁNEĆ College (formerly the Saanich Adult Education Centre), you get the best of both community and college worlds.
The 10-month Indigenous Community Wellness (ICW) program, prepares you to become a culturally aware, active and positive role-model through applied knowledge, skills and land- based teachings and learning experiences. You will learn to effectively build relationships and walk in wellness with service users to support their access to and engagement with programs and services.

Kendra Underwood
Director – W̱SÁNEĆ College
(250) 652-2214 ext. 238

Denise Sam
Post Secondary Coordinator
(250) 652-2214 ext. 7144

Diana Henry
Administrative Assistant
(250) 652-2214 ext. 237