The Living Lab Project Newsletter

The Living Lab Project is a Community-UVIC project connecting ecocultural restoration, science education, and Indigenous knowledge. They have worked in the classroom and on the land and ocean with children and youth from Esquimalt, Spectrum, Stellys, Shoreline and Oak Bay schools, SṈIDȻEȽ Resiliency Project, the ȾIKEL wetland restoration project, the ȽÁU,WELṈEW Tribal School, and the Xwaaqw’um Project (Burgoyne Bay).

The Living Lab Project’s main goals include:

  • Restoration and Resurgence: Promote and Develop Eco-cultural Restoration Projects
  • Children and Youth: Engage, Support and Empower Future Generations
  • Education: Create Place-based Education and Learning Resources
  • Community of Practice: Develop Mutually Beneficial Relationships and a Network of Collaboration

Take a look at their latest newsletter outlining all the exciting projects happening, including their recent trip to the Netherlands!