COVID-19 Update 2022

February 25, 2022

Dear Families,

I want to take the opportunity to provide you with a COVID-19 update. The W̱SÁNEĆ School Board is happy that we are slowly seeing restrictions being lifted and that the number of active cases are in a decline. We are looking forward to the nicer weather and the opportunity to once again increase social interactions.

The School Board wants to ensure families that school has remained a safe place throughout the pandemic. Our schools have worked diligently to ensure public health measures are in place to help mitigate the spread of the more transmissible Omicron variant. I am proud of the work our school community has done in order to keep our students and staff safe. The W̱SÁNEĆ School Board would like to invite families back to school and we are hopeful that we will see an increase in attendance over the coming days and weeks.

In an effort to keep our schools safe we are distributing a rapid test kit to every student enrolled with us. Students are still required to stay home when sick. If they test negative, they can come back to school when they feel well enough to return to normal activities as long as they do not have a fever. If a student tests positive they can return to school when all of the following conditions are met:

  1. At least 5 days have passed since symptoms started, or from test date if the student did not have symptoms.
  2. Fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication.
  3. Symptoms have improved.

We look forward to welcoming students back. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school’s principal or director.

Sincerely, Curtis Olsen
W̱SÁNEĆ School Board