W̱LSS Role Model Program

W̱LSS Role Model Program We would like to invite you into our school to share your knowledge and expertise. Role Models will be engaging directly with our students grades 7-12. Knowledge and Sharing Ideas: W̱SÁNEĆ Ways of Knowing Singing and Dancing Plants and Medicine Drum Design and Painting

Invitation: I¸ȽEȻSILEṈ

Invitation The W̱SÁNEĆ School Board invites our W̱SÁNEĆ community members to the upcoming two-day celebration event: I¸ȽEȻSILEṈ: Transmission from One Generation to the Next event on June 19 and June 20, 2024. This milestone event is scheduled over two days, celebrating over 50 years of W̱SÁNEĆ unity in education on day one and

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