2025/2026 Register Online Now! SENĆOŦEN LE,NOṈET

2025/2026 Register Online Now! SENĆOŦEN LE,NOṈET Since 2012, the W̱SÁNEĆ School Board and the SȾÁSEN TŦE SENĆOŦEN department have been spearheading language revitalization through the education domain at the ȽÁU,WEL,ṈEW Tribal School. The name of the immersion stream is LE,NOṈET SCUL¸ÁUTW̱ (SENĆOŦEN Survival School). Registration for 2025/2026 is open now! Feel free

ȽTS Staff welcome students back for the new school year!

ȽÁU, WELṈEW̱ Tribal School Staff welcome students back for the new school year! Below is the list of staff and their contact information. Title Name Email Principal Maddie Bartleman Vice Principal Nancy Eassie Secretary Maureen Williams Learning Diverse Educator Valerie Samuel Cousellor Samantha Etzel Learning Assistant

2022/2023 Immersion Flyer

SENĆOŦEN LE,NOṈET Immersion Preschool (ȽTS) - Grade 9 (WLSS) Since 2009, W̱SÁNEĆ School Board and the SȾÁSEN TŦE SENĆOŦEN department have been spearheading language revitalization through the education domain at ȽÁU,WEL,ṈEW Tribal School. The name of the immersion stream is LE,NOṈET SCUL,ÁUTW̱(SENĆOŦEN Survival School). Feel free to email SX̱EDŦELISIYE

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