A Journey of Resilience and Accomplishments

Marie Cooper was a member of Tsartlip and was a tireless advocate and educator for her people. Marie passed away peacefully on March 31, 2017 and left behind a great legacy. She led a remarkable life and contributed greatly as a teacher, counsellor, Elder, advocate and innovator.

Melanie Groves wrote an extensive article on Marie’s life and legacy. Melanie describes how Marie Cooper’s life has encompassed such things as attending a Residential school in 1939, being the only Tsartlip person of her generation to graduate high-school, attending college in California, transforming educational curriculum and receiving an Honorary Doctor of Education degree from the University of Victoria in 2010.

To say that Marie’s life and accomplishments are extraordinary is an understatement. Please read Melanie Groves’ UVic article for a full account of her life and accomplishments.